5 Must Have Traits For A Successful Start-Up or Invention

Start-ups are hard! What are the common traits found in successful start-ups? There is no one answer. There is not enough data to point to a silver bullet. However, there are some common traits that the most successful companies share. Here are five must-haves of a successful start-up: Quick Listing of the Five 1. Make […]

Utility Vs Design Patent

Often we hear from inventors who have spent thousands of dollars to file a patent. They’ve been through the process, completed it, and are excited about their new patent – until they find out it’s not what they thought. On the surface, that sounds quite surprising. How could you get through such an involved process […]

Is a $99 Trademark Legit?

Plenty of websites will sell you a trademark for $99. The problem comes when need more than just a “trademark” to protect yourself and enforce your trademark rights. A $99 trademark may be fine for some people. The question is: is it right for you? Does it really matter? Many companies hire the most inexpensive […]

How To Do A Patent Search

Filing for a patent is one of the most exciting and essential steps you can take to protect your invention. But what if you find out later that your idea isn’t as new as you thought? It’s best to conduct a thorough patent search before filing. Be confident no one else filed for or has […]

The Process of Trademarking Your Logo or Product

Don’t confuse a trademark with a patent, copyright or even protection of a domain address. When a person or business entity applies for a trademark, they are seeking protection of the name of their brand and logo on any goods that they sell or services that they render. Trademark applications are approved by the U.S. […]

Trademark and Copyright: Know the Difference

In the often-confusing world of intellectual property, business owners and consumers are sometimes flummoxed by minor claims. These occur when logos bear a disturbing resemblance to other logos. Perhaps a screenwriter’s script contains dialogue that is hauntingly familiar. Or new architecture bears striking similarity to older buildings the designer of which is passed away. Whether […]

The Importance of Trademarking Your Brand

In today’s world, people are more than ever freelancers. Many people realize they will probably not be at a given company for the rest of their lives. Instead, they may choose to change jobs or even start a business of their own. A career can be created out of many things including several part-time jobs. […]

How To Determine If You Need A Patent

patent application

If you fancy yourself to be an inventor, there’s no better feeling than when you believe you have finally created something that is sure to change the world. Whether it’s a better mousetrap or a high-tech piece of industrial equipment, there will be many decisions to be made before bringing your product to market. One […]

Kickstarter 101 – Protecting Your Idea

Kickstarter brings innovation to a new level with support from others through direct funding of their ideas. Started in 2009, Kickstarter is a public Benefit Corporation, resulting in billions of dollars raised to fund new projects. It is a global crowdfunding platform where successful campaigns have been launched through fifteen categories from eight sections on […]